Saturday, June 5, 2010

Boerum Consulting's Five Year Anniversary

On June 5, 2005, I launched Boerum Consulting as a career and talent management consulting practice. Since launching, there have been a number of highs and lows. Thankfully, the highs have outweighed the lows, but it has been a challenging journey as any other independent consultant/practice (firm) owner will tell you.

Today, Boerum Consulting has refined it's mission, developed a number of viable partnerships, and serves the organizational and professional development needs of a mission-driven organizations and values-driven professionals. To support my mission, I've leveraged my experience as an adjunct faculty member at Cornell University, Baruch College, the Graduate Center and New York University. As of this week, I've just joined the faculty of NYU's Wagner School of Public Service as an adjunct Assistant Professor of Public Administration.

Over the years, I've helped hundreds of private coaching clients, college students, and organizations through my coaching, teaching and coaching around the issues of Organization Behavior, Organizational Change, Leadership, and Social Responsibility.

For the next five years, I plan to continue to leverage my relationships with other like-minded consultants and coaches committed to the professional development needs of values-driven professionals and mission-driven organizations. Through blogging, articles, and speaking engagements, I hope to deepen the development conversation for values-driven pros. As a new member of the faculty at NYU Wagner, I hope to become a valued contributor to the learning community as a way to support the next generation of values-driven professionals. As a consultant, I hope to have the opportunity to help Executive Directors and nonprofit boards strengthen their nonprofits, while helping to forge stronger alliances between the for-profit, nonprofit and public sectors. As a coach, I hope to help values-driven professionals clarify their professional purpose and define a path for moving ahead. At the same time, I hope to help emerging leaders strengthen their skills to grow and develop as formidable champions for a better and more sustainable tomorrow.

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