Friday, May 7, 2010

About Sean Harvey

I have been in the human capital/change management/career development arena for the last 14 years or so. However, my professional journey started when I was 15 years old when I started a nonprofit youth support group for the city of Dayton, Ohio. The organization exists to this day serving youth ages 14 - 21 across southwest Ohio.

So began my professional journey where I tried numerous careers and positions that just never seemed to be the right fit. I struggled to find meaning in my work where I knew that I was making a contribution for the greater good. At the same time, I had many misconceptions about the ways that I could have a career doing good while making a viable living. Over the years, I would seek out positions for what I thought was financial security, yet I kept losing interest in the roles after about six months.

With each job/career transition, I would get one step closer to my life's work. However it wasn't until 20 years later that I realized that I had to integrate the world's of service and my professional life. However, during those years, I was making decisions that kept me moving in the right direction. Over 20 years, I completed a graduate certificate in Public Service Administration along with Masters degrees in Organization Development and Counseling. Most of my professional career, I worked with consulting firms in the change management and human capital consulting space. Fortunately, many of my clients were in the non-profit and government sector, yet I was still afraid to take the plunge and commit myself fully to a service career.

Within the last year, I really took stock of the coaching clients and consulting projects where I was the most engaged and found that I kept coming back to the mission-driven professionals and organizations. So I finally realized that I couldn't escape my internal drive. The time had come for me to make a commitment. It was also important for me to commit, because I often felt pulled in too many directions otherwise, and not able to make the type of impact that I wanted. The reality, I was trying to be all things to all people and often I wasn't able to operate from a place of authenticity because the profit driver didn't resonate for me, but social impact hit home.

So here we are. I bring 20 years of experience working through the internal struggle and with that I bring a number of insights to those who are looking to make a social impact in the world. It's a conversation that I know well and that speaks to my heart every day. Now I hope to engage in a dialogue with others who are either looking at their own careers, taking on leadership roles, or trying to engage others around a social mission.

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